


This standard ensures a consistent and professional style across TON documentation.

Following these guidelines, you help maintain clarity, enhance readability, and support easy navigation in the documentation site and any associated menus.

File names

  • Naming convention: Use kebab-case - all lowercase, words separated by hyphens.
  • Example: kebab-case-file-name.md
  • Purpose: Kebab-case is SEO-friendly, easy to read, and helps avoid naming conflicts or issues in case-sensitive file systems.

Documents typography

General text style

  • Write concise, clear sentences.
  • Use simple, direct language suitable for both new and experienced users.
  • Avoid overly complex structures; aim for clarity and brevity.
  • Avoid excessive use of bold or italic styles.
  • All graphic elements containing text should use the Inter or a similarly compatible font.


When introducing an unfamiliar acronym, spell the entire term and put the abbreviation in parentheses. Put both the full term and acronym in bold.


The Open Network (TON) is a decentralized and open internet platform...


Header hierarchy:

  1. H1 (#) – Document title
  2. H2 (##) – Major sections
  3. H3 (###) – Subsections under H2
  4. H4 (####) and below – Use sparingly for finer detail

Header capitalization style:

  • H1, H2, H3 and H4: Sentence case

    • Example: # This sentence is in sentence case
    • Example: ## This sentence is in sentence case
    • Example: ### This sentence is in sentence case
    • Example: ### This sentence is in sentence case
  • Exception: Special terms. Despite the overall sentence case rule, certain words or phrases—key concepts or defined terms within the documentation—must always be formatted using the title case.

    • Example: ## Use American English
    • Example: # Run the TON Center service

Header consistency:

  • Avoid repeating the exact words in consecutive headers.

Capitalized terms in headers

Sometimes, you can face specific capitalization defined as capitalized according to American English rules.

  • Capitalization standard for specific terms:
  • Example: ## Use American English
  • Example: ### Date Format

Date and Format are special terms and should be capitalized, regardless of the overall Sentence Case rule.

The navigation menus should remain minimalistic in both the left sidebar and the top menu. For consistency and clarity, all menu headings must use Sentence case.

  • Avoid lengthy descriptions.
  • Use short, clear labels of two or three words.

Specify the left side menu with sidebars configuration files.

  • Set only high-level hierarchy pages in this menu.
  • Use broad, descriptive terms to categorize content, ensuring users can quickly identify the main section they need.

Specify the navigation bar menu with the navbar.js configuration file.

Consistency between menu and in-page headers

  • Match the header text used in the table of contents or side menu with the header text in the article, ensuring readers know they're on the correct page or section.

Putting it all together

  1. Create your new documentation file using the kebab-case naming convention
    • Example:getting-started-guide.md.
  2. Open the file and set an H1 heading in sentence case
    • Example: # Getting started guide.
  3. Organize content with H2 headings for main topics
    • Example:## Installation steps, also in sentence case.
  4. Use H3 headings for more detailed subtopics in sentence case
    • Example: ### Installing on Linux).
  5. Maintain consistency in any side menus or tables of contents by matching the header text from within the document.

Example structure

# Getting started with TON

## Prerequisites

### What is TON
**The Open Network (TON)** is a decentralized and open internet platform...
The content goes here.

### Checking your environment
The content goes here.

## Installation steps

### Installing on Linux
The content goes here.

### Installing on macOS
The content goes here.

## Basic usage

### Running your first command
The content goes here.

## See also
- [How to contribute](/v3/contribute/)

See also