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Internal messages


Smart contracts interact with each other by sending so-called internal messages. When an internal message reaches its intended destination, an ordinary transaction is created on behalf of the destination account, and the internal message is processed as specified by the code and the persistent data of this account (smart contract).


In particular, the processing transaction can create one or several outbound internal messages, some of which may be addressed to the source address of the internal message being processed. This can be used to create simple "client-server applications" when a query is encapsulated in an internal message and sent to another smart contract, which processes the query and sends back a response again as an internal message.

This approach leads to the necessity of distinguishing whether an internal message is intended as a "query", "response", or doesn't require any additional processing (like a "simple money transfer"). Furthermore, when a response is received, there must be a way to determine which query it corresponds to.

To achieve this goal, the following approaches for the internal message layout can be used (note that TON Blockchain does not enforce any restrictions on the message body, so these are indeed just recommendations).

Internal Message Structure

The body of the message can be embedded into the message itself or stored in a separate cell referenced by the message, as indicated by the TL-B scheme fragment:

message$_ {X:Type} ... body:(Either X ^X) = Message X;

The receiving smart contract should accept at least internal messages with embedded message bodies (whenever they fit into the cell containing the message). If it accepts message bodies in separate cells (using the right constructor of (Either X ^X)), the processing of the inbound message should not depend on the specific embedding option chosen for the message body. On the other hand, it is perfectly valid not to support message bodies in separate cells for simpler queries and responses.

Internal Message Body

The message body typically begins with the following fields:

  • A 32-bit (big-endian) unsigned integer op, identifying the operation to be performed, or the method of the smart contract to be invoked.
  • A 64-bit (big-endian) unsigned integer query_id, used in all query-response internal messages to indicate that a response is related to a query (the query_id of a response must be equal to the query_id of the corresponding query). If op is not a query-response method (e.g., it invokes a method that is not expected to send an answer), then query_id may be omitted.
  • The remainder of the message body is specific for each supported value of op.

Simple Message with Comment

If op is zero, then the message is a "simple transfer message with comment". The comment is contained in the remainder of the message body (without any query_id field, i.e., starting from the fifth byte). If it does not begin with the byte 0xff, the comment is a text one; it can be displayed "as is" to the end user of a wallet (after filtering out invalid and control characters and checking that it is a valid UTF-8 string).

When comment is long enough that it doesn't fit in a cell, non-fitting end of the line is put to the first reference of the cell. This process continues recursively to describe comments that don't fit in two or more cells:

root_cell("0x00000000" - 32 bit, "string" up to 123 bytes)
↳1st_ref("string continuation" up to 127 bytes)
↳1st_ref("string continuation" up to 127 bytes)

The same format is used for comments for NFT and jetton transfers.

For instance, users may indicate the purpose of a simple transfer from their wallet to the wallet of another user in this text field. On the other hand, if the comment begins with the byte 0xff, the remainder is a "binary comment", which should not be displayed to the end user as text (only as a hex dump if necessary). The intended use of "binary comments" is, e.g., to contain a purchase identifier for payments in a store, to be automatically generated and processed by the store's software.

Most smart contracts should not perform non-trivial actions or reject the inbound message on receiving a "simple transfer message". In this way, once op is found to be zero, the smart contract function for processing inbound internal messages (usually called recv_internal()) should immediately terminate with a zero exit code indicating success (e.g., by throwing exception 0, if no custom exception handler has been installed by the smart contract). This will lead to the receiving account being credited with the value transferred by the message without any further effect.

Messages with Encrypted Comments

If op is 0x2167da4b, then the message is a "transfer message with encrypted comment". This message is serialized as follows:


  • pub_1 and priv_1 - Ed25519 public and private keys of the sender, 32 bytes each.
  • pub_2 - Ed25519 public key of the receiver, 32 bytes.
  • msg - a message to be encrypted, arbitrary byte string. len(msg) <= 960.

Encryption algo is as follows:

  1. Calculate shared_secret using priv_1 and pub_2.
  2. Let salt be the bas64url representation of the sender wallet address with isBounceable=1 and isTestnetOnly=0.
  3. Select byte string prefix of length between 16 and 31 such that len(prefix+msg) is divisible by 16. The first byte of prefix is equal to len(prefix), other bytes are random. Let data = prefix + msg.
  4. Let msg_key be the first 16 bytes of hmac_sha512(salt, data).
  5. Calculate x = hmac_sha512(shared_secret, msg_key). Let key=x[0:32] and iv=x[32:48].
  6. Encrypt data using AES-256 in CBC mode with key and iv.
  7. Construct the encrypted comment:
    1. pub_xor = pub_1 ^ pub_2 - 32 bytes. This allows each party to decrypt the message without looking up other's public key.
    2. msg_key - 16 bytes.
    3. Encrypted data.
  8. The body of the message starts with the 4-byte tag 0x2167da4b. Then this encrypted comment is stored:
    1. Byte string is divided into segments and is stored in a chain of cells c_1,...,c_k (c_1 is the root of the body). Each cell (except for the last one) has a reference to the next.
    2. c_1 contains up to 35 bytes (not including 4-byte tag), all other cells contain up to 127 bytes.
    3. This format has the following limitations: k <= 16, max string length is 1024.

The same format is used for comments for NFT and jetton transfers, note that public key of sender address and receiver address (not jetton-wallet addresses) should be used.


Learn from examples of the message encryption algorithm:

Simple Transfer Messages Without Comments

A "simple transfer message without comment" has an empty body (without even an op field). The above considerations apply to such messages as well. Note that such messages should have their bodies embedded into the message cell.

Distinction Between Query and Response Messages

We expect "query" messages to have an op with the high-order bit clear, i.e., in the range 1 .. 2^31-1, and "response" messages to have an op with the high-order bit set, i.e., in the range 2^31 .. 2^32-1. If a method is neither a query nor a response (so that the corresponding message body does not contain a query_id field), it should use an op in the "query" range 1 .. 2^31 - 1.

Handling of Standard Response Messages

There are some "standard" response messages with the op equal to 0xffffffff and 0xfffffffe. In general, the values of op from 0xfffffff0 to 0xffffffff are reserved for such standard responses.

  • op = 0xffffffff means "operation not supported". It is followed by the 64-bit query_id extracted from the original query, and the 32-bit op of the original query. All but the simplest smart contracts should return this error when they receive a query with an unknown op in the range 1 .. 2^31-1.
  • op = 0xfffffffe means "operation not allowed". It is followed by the 64-bit query_id of the original query, followed by the 32-bit op extracted from the original query.

Notice that unknown "responses" (with an op in the range 2^31 .. 2^32-1) should be ignored (in particular, no response with an op equal to 0xffffffff should be generated in response to them), just as unexpected bounced messages (with the "bounced" flag set).

Known op codes


Also op-code, op::code and operational code

Contract typeHex codeOP::Code
Global0x00000000Text Comment
Global0x2167da4bEncrypted Comment
Elector0x4e73744bNew Stake
Elector0xf374484cNew Stake Confirmation
Elector0x47657424Recover Stake Request
Elector0x47657424Recover Stake Response
Wallet0x0f8a7ea5Jetton Transfer
Wallet0x235caf52Jetton Call To
Jetton0x178d4519Jetton Internal Transfer
Jetton0x7362d09cJetton Notify
Jetton0x595f07bcJetton Burn
Jetton0x7bdd97deJetton Burn Notification
Jetton0xeed236d3Jetton Set Status
Jetton-Minter0x642b7d07Jetton Mint
Jetton-Minter0x6501f354Jetton Change Admin
Jetton-Minter0xfb88e119Jetton Claim Admin
Jetton-Minter0x7431f221Jetton Drop Admin
Jetton-Minter0xcb862902Jetton Change Metadata
Jetton-Minter0x2508d66aJetton Upgrade
Vesting0xd372158cTop Up
Vesting0x7258a69bAdd Whitelist
Vesting0xf258a69bAdd Whitelist Response
Vesting0xf7733acdSend Response
Dedust0x9c610de3Dedust Swap ExtOut
Dedust0xe3a0d482Dedust Swap Jetton
Dedust0xea06185dDedust Swap Internal
Dedust0x61ee542dSwap External
Dedust0x72aca8aaSwap Peer
Dedust0xd55e4686Deposit Liquidity Internal
Dedust0x40e108d6Deposit Liquidity Jetton
Dedust0xb56b9598Deposit Liquidity all
Dedust0xad4eb6f5Pay Out From Pool
Dedust0x21cfe02bCreate Vault
Dedust0x97d51f2fCreate Volatile Pool
Dedust0x166cedeeCancel Deposit
StonFi0x25938561Swap Internal
StonFi0xf93bb43fPayment Request
StonFi0xfcf9e58fProvide Liquidity
StonFi0xc64370e5Swap Success
StonFi0x45078540Swap Success ref