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Tolk vs FunC: in detail

A very huge list below. Will anyone have enough patience to read it up to the end?..

There is a compact version

✅ Traditional comments :)

;; comment// comment
{- multiline comment -}/* multiline comment */

2+2 is 4, not an identifier. Identifiers can only be alpha-numeric

In FunC, almost any character can be a part of identifier. For example, 2+2 (without a space) is an identifier. You can even declare a variable with such a name.

In Tolk, spaces are not mandatory. 2+2 is 4, as expected. 3+~x is 3 + (~ x), and so on.

return 2+2; ;; undefined function `2+2`return 2+2; // 4

More precisely, an identifier can start from [a-zA-Z$_] and be continued with [a-zA-Z0-9$_]. Note, that ?, :, and others are not valid symbols, found? and op::increase are not valid identifiers.

Note, that cell, slice, etc. are valid identifiers: var cell = ... or even var cell: cell = ... is okay. (like in TypeScript, number is a valid identifier)

You can use backticks to surround an identifier, and then it can contain any symbols (similar to Kotlin and some other langs). Its potential usage is to allow keywords be used as identifiers, in case of code generation by a scheme, for example.

const op::increase = 0x1234;const OP_INCREASE = 0x1234;
;; even 2%&!2 is valid
int 2+2 = 5;
// don't do like this :)
var `2+2` = 5;

✅ Impure by default, compiler won't drop user function calls

FunC has an impure function specifier. When absent, a function is treated as pure. If its result is unused, its call was deleted by the compiler.

Though this behavior is documented, it is very unexpected to newcomers. For instance, various functions that don't return anything (throw an exception on mismatch, for example), are silently deleted. This situation is spoilt by the fact that FunC doesn't check and validate function body, allowing impure operations inside pure functions.

In Tolk, all functions are impure by default. You can mark a function pure with annotation, and then impure operations are forbidden in its body (exceptions, globals modification, calling non-pure functions, etc.).

✅ New functions syntax: fun keyword, @ attributes, types on the right (like in TypeScript, Kotlin, Python, etc.)

cell parse_data(slice cs) { }fun parse_data(cs: slice): cell { }
(cell, int) load_storage() { }fun load_storage(): (cell, int) { }
() main() { ... }fun main() { ... }

Types of variables — also to the right:

slice cs = ...;var cs: slice = ...;
(cell c, int n) = parse_data(cs);var (c: cell, n: int) = parse_data(cs);
global int stake_at;global stake_at: int;

Modifiers inline and others — with annotations:


int f(cell s) inline {
fun f(s: cell): int {

() load_data() impure inline_ref {
fun load_data() {
global int stake_at;global stake_at: int;

forall — this way:

forall X -> tuple cons(X head, tuple tail)fun cons<X>(head: X, tail: tuple): tuple

asm implementation — like in FunC, but being properly aligned, it looks nicer:

fun third<X>(t: tuple): X
asm "THIRD";

fun iDictDeleteGet(dict: cell, keyLen: int, index: int): (cell, slice, int)
asm(index dict keyLen) "DICTIDELGET NULLSWAPIFNOT";

fun mulDivFloor(x: int, y: int, z: int): int

There is also a @deprecated attribute, not affecting compilation, but for a human and IDE.

get instead of method_id

In FunC, method_id (without arguments) actually declared a get method. In Tolk, you use a straightforward syntax:

int seqno() method_id { ... }get seqno(): int { ... }

Both get methodName() and get fun methodName() are acceptable.

For method_id(xxx) (uncommon in practice, but valid), there is an attribute:


() after_code_upgrade(cont old_code) impure method_id(1666)
fun afterCodeUpgrade(oldCode: continuation)

✅ It's essential to declare types of parameters (though optional for locals)

// not allowed
fun do_smth(c, n)
// types are mandatory
fun do_smth(c: cell, n: int)

If parameter types are mandatory, return type is not (it's often obvious of verbose). If omitted, it's auto inferred:

fun x() { ... }  // auto infer from return statements

For local variables, types are also optional:

var i = 10;                      // ok, int
var b = beginCell(); // ok, builder
var (i, b) = (10, beginCell()); // ok, two variables, int and builder

// types can be specified manually, of course:
var b: builder = beginCell();
var (i: int, b: builder) = (10, beginCell());

✅ Variables are not allowed to be redeclared in the same scope

var a = 10;
var a = 20; // error, correct is just `a = 20`
if (1) {
var a = 30; // it's okay, it's another scope

As a consequence, partial reassignment is not allowed:

var a = 10;
var (a, b) = (20, 30); // error, releclaration of a

Note, that it's not a problem for loadUint() and other methods. In FunC, they returned a modified object, so a pattern var (cs, int value) = cs.load_int(32) was quite common. In Tolk, such methods mutate an object: var value = cs.loadInt(32), so redeclaration is unlikely to be needed.

fun send(msg: cell) {
var msg = ...; // error, redeclaration of msg

// solution 1: intruduce a new variable
var msgWrapped = ...;
// solution 2: use `redef`, though not recommended
var msg redef = ...;

✅ Changes in the type system

FunC's type system is based on Hindley-Milner. This is a common approach for functional languages, where types are inferred from usage through unification.

In Tolk v0.7, the type system is rewritten from scratch. In order to add booleans, fixed-width integers, nullability, structures, and generics, we must have a static type system (like TypeScript or Rust). Because Hindley-Milner will clash with structure methods, struggle with proper generics, and become entirely impractical for union types (despite claims that it was "designed for union types").

We have the following types:

  • int, bool, cell, slice, builder, untyped tuple
  • typed tuple [T1, T2, ...]
  • tensor (T1, T2, ...)
  • callables (TArgs) -> TResult
  • nullable types T?, compile-time null safety
  • void (more canonical to be named unit, but void is more reliable)
  • self, to make chainable methods, described below; actually it's not a type, it can only occur instead of return type of a function
  • never (an always-throwing function returns never, for example; an "impossible type" is also never)

The type system obeys the following rules:

  • variable types can be specified manually or are inferred from declarations, and never change after being declared
  • function parameters must be strictly typed
  • function return types, if unspecified, inferred from return statements similar to TypeScript; in case of recursion (direct or indirect), the return type must be explicitly declared somewhere
  • generic functions are supported

✅ Clear and readable error messages on type mismatch

In FunC, due to Hindley-Milner, type mismatch errors are very hard to understand:

error: previous function return type (int, int)
cannot be unified with implicit end-of-block return type (int, ()):
cannot unify type () with int

In Tolk, they are human-readable:

1) can not assign `(int, slice)` to variable of type `(int, int)`
2) can not call method for `builder` with object of type `int`
3) can not use `builder` as a boolean condition
4) missing `return`

bool type, casting boolVar as int

Under the hood, bool is still -1 and 0 at TVM level, but from the type system's perspective, bool and int are now different.

Comparison operators == / >= /... return bool. Logical operators && || return bool. Constants true and false have the bool type. Lots of stdlib functions now return bool, not int (having -1 and 0 at runtime):

var valid = isSignatureValid(...);    // bool
var end = cs.isEndOfSlice(); // bool

Operator !x supports both int and bool. Condition of if and similar accepts both int (!= 0) and bool. Logical && and || accept both bool and int, preserving compatibility with constructs like a && b where a and b are integers (!= 0).

Arithmetic operators are restricted to integers, only bitwise and logical allowed for bools:

valid && end;    // ok
valid & end; // ok, bitwise & | ^ also work if both are bools
if (!end) // ok

if (~end) // error, use !end
valid + end; // error
8 & valid; // error, int & bool not allowed

Note, that logical operators && || (missed in FunC) use IF/ELSE asm representation always. In the future, for optimization, they could be automatically replaced by & | when it's safe (example: a > 0 && a < 10). To manually optimize gas consumption, you can still use & | (allowed for bools), but remember, that they are not short-circuit.

bool can be cast to int via as operator:

var i = boolValue as int;  // -1 / 0

There are no runtime transformations. bool is guaranteed to be -1/0 at TVM level, so this is type-only casting. But generally, if you need such a cast, probably you're doing something wrong (unless you're doing a tricky bitwise optimization).

✅ Generic functions and instantiations like f<int>(...)

In FunC, there were "forall" functions:

forall X -> tuple tpush(tuple t, X value) asm "TPUSH";

Tolk introduces properly made generic functions. Their syntax reminds mainstream languages:

fun tuplePush<T>(mutate self: tuple, value: T): void
asm "TPUSH";

When f<T> is called, T is detected (in most cases) by provided arguments:

t.tuplePush(1);     // detected T=int
t.tuplePush(cs); // detected T=slice
t.tuplePush(null); // error, need to specify "null of what type"

The syntax f<int>(...) is also supported:

t.tuplePush<int>(1);     // ok
t.tuplePush<int>(cs); // error, can not pass slice to int
t.tuplePush<int?>(null); // ok, null is "null of type int"

User-defined functions may also be generic:

fun replaceLast<T>(mutate self: tuple, value: T) {
val size = self.tupleSize();
self.tupleSetAt(value, size - 1);

Having called replaceLast<int> and replaceList<slice> will result in TWO generated asm (fift) functions. Actually, they mostly remind "template" functions. At each unique invocation, function's body is fully cloned under a new name.

There may be multiple generic parameters:

fun replaceNulls<T1, T2>(tensor: (T1?, T2?), v1IfNull: T1, v2IfNull: T2): (T1, T2) {
var (a, b) = tensor;
return (a == null ? v1IfNull : a, b == null ? v2IfNull : b);

A generic parameter T may be something complex.

fun duplicate<T>(value: T): (T, T) {
var copy: T = value;
return (value, copy);

duplicate(1); // duplicate<int>
duplicate([1, cs]); // duplicate<[int, slice]>
duplicate((1, 2)); // duplicate<(int, int)>

Or even functions, it also works:

fun callAnyFn<TObj, TResult>(f: TObj -> TResult, arg: TObj) {
return f(arg);

fun callAnyFn2<TObj, TCallback>(f: TCallback, arg: TObj) {
return f(arg);

Note, that while generic T are mostly detected from arguments, there are not so obvious corner cases, when T does not depend from arguments:

fun tupleLast<T>(self: tuple): T
asm "LAST";

var last = t.tupleLast(); // error, can not deduce T

To make this valid, T should be provided externally:

var last: int = t.tupleLast();       // ok, T=int
var last = t.tupleLast<int>(); // ok, T=int
var last = t.tupleLast() as int; // ok, T=int

someF(t.tupleLast()); // ok, T=(paremeter's declared type)
return t.tupleLast(); // ok if function specifies return type

Also note, that T for asm functions must occupy 1 stack slot (otherwise, asm body is unable to handle it properly), whereas for a user-defined function, T could be of any shape.

In the future, when structures and generic structures are implemented, all the power of generic functions will come into play.

✅ Another naming for recv_internal / recv_external

fun onInternalMessage
fun onExternalMessage
fun onTickTock
fun onSplitPrepare
fun onSplitInstall

All parameter types and their order rename the same, only naming is changed. fun main is also available.

✅ #include → import. Strict imports

#include "another.fc";import "another.tolk"

In Tolk, you can not used a symbol from a.tolk without importing this file. In other words, "import what you use".

All stdlib functions are available out of the box, downloading stdlib and #include "stdlib.fc" is not needed. See below about embedded stdlib.

There is still a global scope of naming. If f is declared in two different files, it's an error. We "import" a whole file, no per-file visibility and export keyword is now supported, but probably will be in the future.

✅ #pragma → compiler options

In FunC, "experimental" features like allow-post-modifications were turned on by a pragma in .fc files (leading to problems when some files contain it, some don't). Indeed, it's not a pragma for a file, it's a compilation option.

In Tolk, all pragmas were removed. allow-post-modification and compute-asm-ltr were merged into Tolk sources (as if they were always on in FunC). Instead of pragmas, there is now an ability to pass experimental options.

As for now, there is one experimental option introduced — remove-unused-functions, which doesn't include unused symbols to Fift output.

#pragma version xxx was replaced by tolk xxx (no >=, just a strict version). It's good practice to annotate compiler version you are using. If it doesn't match, Tolk will show a warning.

tolk 0.6

✅ Late symbols resolving. AST representation

In FunC (like in С) you can not access a function declared below:

int b() { a(); }   ;; error
int a() { ... } ;; since it's declared below

To avoid an error, a programmer should create a forward declaration at first. The reason is that symbols resolving is performed right at the time of parsing.

Tolk compiler separates these two steps. At first it does parsing, and then it does symbol resolving. Hence, a snippet above would not be erroneous.

Sounds simple, but internally, it's a very huge job. To make this available, I've introduced an intermediate AST representation, completely missed in FunC. That's an essential point of future modifications and performing semantic code analisys.

null keyword

Creating null values and checking variables on null looks very pretty now.

a = null()a = null
if (null?(a))if (a == null)
if (~ null?(b))if (b != null)
if (~ cell_null?(c))if (c != null)

throw and assert keywords

Tolk greatly simplifies working with exceptions.

If FunC has throw(), throw_if(), throw_arg_if(), and the same for unless, Tolk has only two primitives: throw and assert.

throw(excNo)throw excNo
throw_arg(arg, excNo)throw (excNo, arg)
throw_unless(excNo, condition)assert(condition, excNo)
throw_if(excNo, condition)assert(!condition, excNo)

Note, that !condition is possible since logical NOT is available, see below.

There is a long (verbose) syntax of assert(condition, excNo):

assert(condition) throw excNo;
// with possibility to include arg to throw

Also, Tolk swaps catch arguments: it's catch (excNo, arg), both optional (since arg is most likely empty).

try { } catch (_, _) { }try { } catch { }
try { } catch (_, excNo) { }try { } catch(excNo) { }
try { } catch (arg, excNo) { }try { } catch(excNo, arg) { }

do ... untildo ... while

do { ... } until (~ condition);do { ... } while (condition);
do { ... } until (condition);do { ... } while (!condition);

Note, that !condition is possible since logical NOT is available, see below.

✅ Operator precedence became identical to C++ / JavaScript

In FunC, such code if (slices_equal() & status == 1) is parsed as if( (slices_equal()&status) == 1 ). This is a reason of various errors in real-world contracts.

In Tolk, & has lower priority, identical to C++ and JavaScript.

Moreover, Tolk fires errors on potentially wrong operators usage to completely eliminate such errors:

if (flags & 0xFF != 0)

will lead to a compilation error (similar to gcc/clang):

& has lower precedence than ==, probably this code won't work as you expected.  Use parenthesis: either (... & ...) to evaluate it first, or (... == ...) to suppress this error.

Hence, the code should be rewritten:

// either to evaluate it first (our case)
if ((flags & 0xFF) != 0)
// or to emphasize the behavior (not our case here)
if (flags & (0xFF != 0))

I've also added a diagnostic for a common mistake in bitshift operators: a << 8 + 1 is equivalent to a << 9, probably unexpected.

int result = a << 8 + low_mask;

error: << has lower precedence than +, probably this code won't work as you expected. Use parenthesis: either (... << ...) to evaluate it first, or (... + ...) to suppress this error.

Operators ~% ^% /% ~/= ^/= ~%= ^%= ~>>= ^>>= no longer exist.

✅ Immutable variables, declared via val

Like in Kotlin: var for mutable, val for immutable, optionally followed by a type. FunC has no analogue of val.

val flags = msgBody.loadMessageFlags();
flags &= 1; // error, modifying an immutable variable

val cs: slice = c.beginParse();
cs.loadInt(32); // error, since loadInt() mutates an object
cs.preloadInt(32); // ok, it's a read-only method

Parameters of a function are mutable, but since they are copied by value, called arguments aren't changed. Exactly like in FunC, just to clarify.

fun some(x: int) {
x += 1;

val origX = 0;
some(origX); // origX remains 0

fun processOpIncrease(msgBody: slice) {
val flags = msgBody.loadInt(32);

processOpIncrease(msgBody); // by value, not modified

In Tolk, a function can declare mutate parameters. It's a generalization of FunC ~ tilda functions, read below.

✅ Deprecated command-line options removed

Command-line flags -A, -P, and others, were removed. Default behavior

/path/to/tolk {inputFile}

is more than enough. Use -v to print version and exit. Use -h for all available command-line flags.

Only one input file can be passed, others should be import'ed.

✅ stdlib functions renamed to verbose clear names, camelCase style

All naming in standard library was reconsidered. Now, functions are named using longer, but clear names.

t~tpush(triple(x, y, z))
t.tuplePush([x, y, z])

A former "stdlib.fc" was split into multiple files: common.tolk, tvm-dicts.tolk, and others.

Continue here: Tolk vs FunC: standard library.

✅ stdlib is now embedded, not downloaded from GitHub

  1. Download stdlib.fc from GitHub
  2. Save into your project
  3. #include "stdlib.fc";
  4. Use standard functions
  1. Use standard functions

In Tolk, stdlib a part of distribution. Standard library is inseparable, since keeping a triple "language, compiler, stdlib" together is the only correct way to maintain release cycle.

It works in such a way. Tolk compiler knows how to locate a standard library. If a user has installed an apt package, stdlib sources were also downloaded and exist on a hard disk, so the compiler locates them by system paths. If a user uses a WASM wrapper, they are provided by tolk-js. And so on.

Standard library is split into multiple files: common.tolk (most common functions), gas-payments.tolk (calculating gas fees), tvm-dicts.tolk, and others. Functions from common.tolk are available always (a compiler implicitly imports it). Other files are needed to be explicitly imported:

import "@stdlib/tvm-dicts"   // ".tolk" optional

var dict = createEmptyDict();

Mind the rule "import what you use", it's applied to @stdlib/... files also (with the only exception of "common.tolk").

JetBrains IDE plugin automatically discovers stdlib folder and inserts necessary imports as you type.

✅ Logical operators && ||, logical not !

In FunC, there are only bitwise operators ~ & | ^. Developers making first steps, thinking "okay, no logical, I'll use bitwise in the same manner", often do errors, since operator behavior is completely different:

a & ba && b
sometimes, identical:
0 & X = 00 & X = 0
-1 & X = -1-1 & X = -1
but generally, not:
1 & 2 = 01 && 2 = -1 (true)
~ found!found
sometimes, identical:
true (-1) → false (0)-1 → 0
false (0) → true (-1)0 → -1
but generally, not:
1 → -21 → 0 (false)
condition & f()condition && f()
f() is called alwaysf() is called only if condition
condition | f()condition || f()
f() is called alwaysf() is called only if condition is false

Tolk supports logical operators. They behave exactly as you get used to (right column). For now, && and || sometimes produce not optimal Fift code, but in the future, Tolk compiler will become smarter in this case. It's negligible, just use them like in other languages.

if (~ found?)if (!found)
if (~ found?) {
    if (cs~load_int(32) == 0) {
if (!found && cs.loadInt(32) == 0) {
ifnot (cell_null?(signatures))if (signatures != null)
elseifnot (eq_checksum)else if (!eqChecksum)

Keywords ifnot and elseifnot were removed, since now we have logical not (for optimization, Tolk compiler generates IFNOTJMP, btw). Keyword elseif was replaced by traditional else if.

Remember, that a boolean true, transformed as int, is -1, not 1. It's a TVM representation.

✅ Indexed access tensorVar.0 and tupleVar.0

Use tensorVar.{i} to access i-th component of a tensor. Modifying it will change the tensor.

var t = (5, someSlice, someBuilder);   // 3 stack slots
t.0 // 5
t.0 = 10; // t is now (10, ...)
t.0 += 1; // t is now (11, ...)
increment(mutate t.0); // t is now (12, ...)
t.0.increment(); // t is now (13, ...)

t.1 // slice
t.100500 // compilation error

Use tupleVar.{i} to access i-th element of a tuple (does INDEX under the hood). Modifying it will change the tuple (does SETINDEX under the hood).

var t = [5, someSlice, someBuilder];   // 1 tuple on a stack with 3 items
t.0 // "0 INDEX", reads 5
t.0 = 10; // "0 SETINDEX", t is now [10, ...]
t.0 += 1; // also works: "0 INDEX" to read 10, "0 SETINDEX" to write 11
increment(mutate t.0); // also, the same way
t.0.increment(); // also, the same way

t.1 // "1 INDEX", it's slice
t.100500 // compilation error

It also works for untyped tuples, though the compiler can't guarantee index correctness.

var t = createEmptyTuple();
t.0 // will head 5
t.0 = 10 // t will be [10]
t.100500 // will fail at runtime

It works for nesting var.{i}.{j}. It works for nested tensor, nested tuples, tuples nested into tensors. It works for mutate. It works for globals.

t.1.2 = 10;    // "1 INDEX" + "2 SETINDEX" + "1 SETINDEX"
t.1.2 += 10; // "1 INDEX" + "2 INDEX" + sum + "2 SETINDEX" + "1 SETINDEX"

globalTuple.1.2 += 10; // "GETGLOB" + ... + "SETGLOB"

✅ Nullable types T?, null safety, smart casts, operator !

Tolk has nullable types: int?, cell?, and T? in general (even for tensors). Non-nullable types, such as int and cell, can never hold null values.

The compiler enforces null safety: you cannot use nullable types without first checking for null. Fortunately, thanks to smart casts, these checks integrate smoothly and organically into the code. Smart casts are purely a compile-time feature — they do not consume gas or extra stack space.

var value = x > 0 ? 1 : null;  // int?

value + 5; // error
s.storeInt(value); // error

if (value != null) {
value + 5; // ok, smart cast
s.storeInt(value); // ok, smart cast

Remember, that when a variable's type is not specified, it's auto inferred from assignment and never changes:

var i = 0;
i = null; // error, can't assign `null` to `int`
i = maybeInt; // error, can't assign `int?` to `int`

Such a code will not work, you must explicitly declare the variable as nullable::

// incorrect
var i = null;
if (...) {
i = 0; // error

// correct
var i: int? = null;
// or
var i = null as int?;

Smart casts (similar to TypeScript and Kotlin) make it easier dealing with nullable types, allowing code like this:

if (lastCell != null) {
// here lastCell is `cell`, not `cell?`
if (lastCell == null || prevCell == null) {
// both lastCell and prevCell are `cell`
var x: int? = ...;
if (x == null) {
x = random();
// here x is `int`
while (lastCell != null) {
lastCell = lastCell.beginParse().loadMaybeRef();
// here lastCell is 100% null
// t: (int, int)?
t.0 // error
t!.0 // ok
if (t.0 != null) {
t.0 // ok

Note, that smart casts don't work for globals, only for local vars.

Tolk has the ! operator (non-null assertion, compile-time only), like ! in TypeScript and !! in Kotlin. If you are "absolutely certain" that a variable is not null, this operator allows you to skip the compiler's check.

fun doSmth(c: cell);

fun analyzeStorage(nCells: int, lastCell: cell?) {
if (nCells) { // then lastCell 100% not null
doSmth(lastCell!); // use ! for this fact

In practice, you'll use this operator working with low-level dicts API. In the future, Tolk will have a high-level map<K,V>. For now, working with dicts will require the ! operator.

// it returns either (slice, true) or (null, false)
fun iDictGet(self: cell?, keyLen: int, key: int): (slice?, bool)
asm(key self keyLen) "DICTIGET" "NULLSWAPIFNOT";

var (cs, exists) = dict.iDictGet(...);
// if exists is true, cs is not null
if (exists) {

You can also declare "always-throwing functions" that return never:

fun alwaysThrows(): never {
throw 123;

fun f(x: int) {
if (x > 0) {
return x;
// no `return` statement needed

The never type implicitly occurs when a condition can never happen:

var v = 0;
// prints a warning
if (v == null) {
// v is `never`
v + 10; // error, can not apply `+` `never` and `int`
// v is `int` again

If you face never in compilation errors, most likely there is a warning in preceding code.

Non-atomic nullables are also allowed: (int, int)?, (int?, int?)?, or even ()?. Then, a special "value presence" stack slot is implicitly added. It holds 0 if value is null, and not 0 (currently, -1) if not null:

// t: (int, int)?
t = (1, 2); // 1 2 -1
t = (3, 4); // 3 4 -1
t = null; // null null 0

// t: ()?
t = (); // -1
t = null; // 0

All in all, nullability is a major step forward for type safety and reliability. Nullable types eliminate runtime errors, enforcing correct handling of optional values.

✅ No tilda ~ methods, mutate keyword instead

This change is so huge that it's described on a separate page: Tolk mutability.

Tolk vs FunC gas consumption


Tolk gas consumption could be a bit higher, because it fixes unexpected arguments shuffling in FunC. It's negligible in practice.
In the future, Tolk compiler will become smart enough to reorder arguments targeting less stack manipulations, but still avoiding a shuffling problem.

FunC compiler could unexpectedly shuffle arguments when calling an assembly function:

some_asm_function(f1(), f2());

Sometimes, f2() could be called before f1(), and it's unexpected. To fix this behavior, one could specify #pragma compute-asm-ltr, forcing arguments to be always evaluated in ltr-order. This was experimental, and therefore turned off by default.

This pragma reorders arguments on a stack, often leading to more stack manipulations than without it. In other words, in fixes unexpected behavior, but increases gas consumption.

Tolk puts arguments onto a stack exactly the same as if this pragma turned on. So, its gas consumption is sometimes higher than in FunC if you didn't use this pragma. Of course, there is no shuffling problem in Tolk.

In the future, Tolk compiler will become smart enough to reorder arguments targeting less stack manipulations, but still avoiding a shuffling problem.