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TVM Upgrade 2024.04

Introduction of new instructions for cheap fee calculation


This upgrade is active in mainnet since March 16 (see Preview of this update for blueprint is available in @ton/[email protected], @ton-community/[email protected] and @ton-community/[email protected] packages.

This update is activated by Config8 version >= 6.


c7 tuple extended from 14 to 16 elements:

  • 14: tuple that contains some config parameters as cell slices. If the parameter is absent from the config, the value is null.
    • 0: StoragePrices from ConfigParam 18. Not the whole dict, but only the one StoragePrices entry that corresponds to the current time.
    • 1: ConfigParam 19 (global id).
    • 2: ConfigParam 20 (mc gas prices).
    • 3: ConfigParam 21 (gas prices).
    • 4: ConfigParam 24 (mc fwd fees).
    • 5: ConfigParam 25 (fwd fees).
    • 6: ConfigParam 43 (size limits).
  • 15: "due payment" - current debt for storage fee (nanotons). Asm opcode: DUEPAYMENT.
  • 16: "precompiled gas usage" - gas usage for the current contract if it is precompiled (see ConfigParam 45), null otherwise. Asm opcode: GETPRECOMPILEDGAS.

The idea behind this extension of c7 by unpacked config parameters is the following: this data will be retrieved from global configuration by transaction executor, so it is already presented in memory of executor. However (before extension) smart-contract need to get all of these parameters one-by-one from configuration dictionary which is expensive and potentially unpredictable by gas (since cost depends on number of parameters).

Due payment is needed so contract can properly assess storage fees: when message sent in default (bounceable) mode to smart-contract, storage fees are deducted (or added to due_payment field that contains storage fee related debt) prior message value is added to balance. Thus, if contract after processing message send gas excesses back with mode=64, that means that if contract balance hit 0, on next transactions storage fees start accruing in due_payment (and not deducted from incoming messages). That way debt will silently accumulate until account freezes. DUEPAYMENT allows developer explicitly account/withhold commission for storage and thus prevent any issues.

New opcodes

Opcodes to work with new c7 values

26 gas for each, except for SENDMSG (because of cell operations).

Fift syntax
UNPACKEDCONFIGTUPLE- cRetrieves tuple of configs slices from c7
DUEPAYMENT- iRetrieves value of due payment from c7
GLOBALID- iNow retrieves ConfigParam 19 from from c7, ton form config dict.
SENDMSGmsg mode - iNow retrieves ConfigParam 24/25 (message prices) and ConfigParam 43 (max_msg_cells) from c7, not from config dict.

Opcodes to process config parameters

The introduction of tuple of configurations slices in the TON transaction executor has made it more cost-effective to parse fee parameters. However, as new config parameters constructors may be introduced in the future, smart contracts may need to be updated to interpret these new parameters. To address this issue, special opcodes for fee calculation have been introduced. These opcodes read parameters from c7 and calculate fees in the same manner as the executor. With the introduction of new parameters constructors, these opcodes will be updated to accommodate the changes. This allows smart contracts to rely on these instructions for fee calculation without needing to interpret all types of constructors.

26 gas for each.

Fift syntax
GETGASFEEgas_used is_mc - priceCalculates computation cost in nanotons for transaction that consumes gas_used gas.
GETSTORAGEFEEcells bits seconds is_mc - priceCalculates storage fees in nanotons for contract based on current storage prices. cells and bits are the size of the AccountState (with deduplication, including root cell).
GETFORWARDFEEcells bits is_mc - priceCalculates forward fees in nanotons for outgoing message. is_mc is true if the source or the destination is in masterchain, false if both are in basechain. Note, cells and bits in Message should be counted with account for deduplication and root-is-not-counted rules.
GETPRECOMPILEDGAS- nullreserved, currently returns null. Will return cost of contract execution in gas units if this contract is precompiled
GETORIGINALFWDFEEfwd_fee is_mc - orig_fwd_feecalculate fwd_fee * 2^16 / first_frac. Can be used to get the original fwd_fee of the message (as replacement for hardcoded values like this) from fwd_fee parsed from incoming message. is_mc is true if the source or the destination is in masterchain, false if both are in basechain.
GETGASFEESIMPLEgas_used is_mc - priceCalculates additional computation cost in nanotons for transaction that consumes additional gas_used. In other words, same as GETGASFEE, but without flat price (just (gas_used * price) / 2^16).
GETFORWARDFEESIMPLEcells bits is_mc - priceCalculates additional forward cost in nanotons for message that contains additional cells and bits. In other words, same as GETFORWARDFEE, but without lump price (just (bits*bit_price + cells*cell_price) / 2^16).

gas_used, cells, bits, time_delta are integers in range 0..2^63-1.

Cell level operations

Operations for working with Merkle proofs, where cells can have non-zero level and multiple hashes. 26 gas for each.

Fift syntax
CLEVELcell - levelReturns level of the cell
CLEVELMASKcell - level_maskReturns level mask of the cell
i CHASHIcell - hashReturns ith hash of the cell
i CDEPTHIcell - depthReturns ith depth of the cell
CHASHIXcell i - depthReturns ith hash of the cell
CDEPTHIXcell i - depthReturns ith depth of the cell

i is in range 0..3.