Fees calculation
When your contract begins processing an incoming message, you should verify the number of TONs attached to the message to ensure it is sufficient to cover all types of fees. To achieve this, you need to calculate (or predict) the fee for the current transaction.
This document explains how to calculate fees in FunC contracts using the latest TVM opcodes.
For a comprehensive list of TVM opcodes, including those mentioned below, refer to the TVM instruction page.
Storage fee
In short, storage fees
are the costs of storing a smart contract on the blockchain. You pay for every second the smart contract remains stored on the blockchain.
opcode with the following parameters:
Param name | Description |
cells | Number of contract cells |
bits | Number of contract bits |
is_mc | True if the source or destination is in the MasterChain |
The system counts only unique hash cells for storage and forward fees. For example, it counts three identical hash cells as one. This mechanism deduplicates data by storing the content of multiple equivalent sub-cells only once, even if they are referenced across different branches. Read more about deduplication.
Calculation flow
Each contract has its balance. You can calculate how many TONs your contract requires to remain valid for a specified seconds
duration using the function:
int get_storage_fee(int workchain, int seconds, int bits, int cells) asm(cells bits seconds workchain) "GETSTORAGEFEE";
You can then hardcode this value into the contract and calculate the current storage fee using:
;; functions from func stdlib (not available on mainnet)
() raw_reserve(int amount, int mode) impure asm "RAWRESERVE";
int get_storage_fee(int workchain, int seconds, int bits, int cells) asm(cells bits seconds workchain) "GETSTORAGEFEE";
int my_storage_due() asm "DUEPAYMENT";
;; constants from stdlib
;;; Creates an output action which reserves exactly x nanoTONs (if y = 0).
const int RESERVE_REGULAR = 0;
;;; Creates an output action which reserves at most x nanoTONs (if y = 2).
;;; Bit +2 in y ensures the external action does not fail if the specified amount cannot be reserved. Instead, it reserves all remaining balance.
const int RESERVE_AT_MOST = 2;
;;; In the case of action failure, the transaction is bounced. No effect if RESERVE_AT_MOST (+2) is used. TVM UPGRADE 2023-07. [v3/documentation/tvm/changelog/tvm-upgrade-2023-07#sending-messages](https://ton.org/docs/#/tvm/changelog/tvm-upgrade-2023-07#sending-messages)
() calculate_and_reserve_at_most_storage_fee(int balance, int msg_value, int workchain, int seconds, int bits, int cells) inline {
int on_balance_before_msg = my_ton_balance - msg_value;
int min_storage_fee = get_storage_fee(workchain, seconds, bits, cells); ;; You can hardcode this value if the contract code will not be updated.
raw_reserve(max(on_balance_before_msg, min_storage_fee + my_storage_due()), RESERVE_AT_MOST);
If storage_fee
is hardcoded, remember to update it during the contract update process. Not all contracts support updates, so this is an optional requirement.
Computation fee
In most cases, use the GETGASFEE
opcode with the following parameters:
Param | Description |
gas_used | Gas amount, calculated in tests and hardcoded |
is_mc | True if the source or destination is in the MasterChain |
Calculation flow
int get_compute_fee(int workchain, int gas_used) asm(gas_used workchain) "GETGASFEE";
But how do you determine gas_used
? Through testing!
To calculate gas_used
, you should write a test for your contract that:
- Executes a transfer.
- Verifies its success and retrieves the transfer details.
- Checks the amount of gas the transfer uses for computation.
The contract's computation flow can depend on input data. You should run the contract in a way that maximizes gas usage. Ensure you are using the most computationally expensive path to test the contract.
// Initialization code
const deployerJettonWallet = await userWallet(deployer.address);
let initialJettonBalance = await deployerJettonWallet.getJettonBalance();
const notDeployerJettonWallet = await userWallet(notDeployer.address);
let initialJettonBalance2 = await notDeployerJettonWallet.getJettonBalance();
let sentAmount = toNano("0.5");
let forwardAmount = toNano("0.05");
let forwardPayload = beginCell().storeUint(0x1234567890abcdefn, 128).endCell();
// Ensure the payload is unique to charge cell loading for each payload.
let customPayload = beginCell().storeUint(0xfedcba0987654321n, 128).endCell();
// Let's use this case for fee calculation
// Embed the forward payload into the custom payload to ensure maximum gas usage during computation
const sendResult = await deployerJettonWallet.sendTransfer(
toNano("0.17"), // tons
// excesses
from: notDeployerJettonWallet.address,
to: deployer.address,
transfer_notification#7362d09c query_id:uint64 amount:(VarUInteger 16)
sender:MsgAddress forward_payload:(Either Cell ^Cell)
= InternalMsgBody;
// notification
from: notDeployerJettonWallet.address,
to: notDeployer.address,
value: forwardAmount,
body: beginCell()
.storeUint(Op.transfer_notification, 32)
.storeUint(0, 64) // default queryId
.storeUint(1, 1)
const transferTx = findTransactionRequired(sendResult.transactions, {
on: deployerJettonWallet.address,
from: deployer.address,
op: Op.transfer,
success: true,
let computedGeneric: (transaction: Transaction) => TransactionComputeVm;
computedGeneric = (transaction) => {
if (transaction.description.type !== "generic")
throw "Expected generic transaction";
if (transaction.description.computePhase.type !== "vm")
throw "Compute phase expected";
return transaction.description.computePhase;
let printTxGasStats: (name: string, trans: Transaction) => bigint;
printTxGasStats = (name, transaction) => {
const txComputed = computedGeneric(transaction);
console.log(`${name} used ${txComputed.gasUsed} gas`);
console.log(`${name} gas cost: ${txComputed.gasFees}`);
return txComputed.gasFees;
send_gas_fee = printTxGasStats("Jetton transfer", transferTx);
Forward fee
The forward fee is charged for outgoing messages.
Generally, there are three scenarios for forward fee processing:
- The message structure is deterministic, and you can predict the fee.
- The message structure depends heavily on the incoming message structure.
- You cannot predict the outgoing message structure at all.
Calculation flow
If the message structure is deterministic, use the GETFORWARDFEE
opcode with the following parameters:
Param name | Description |
cells | Number of cells |
bits | Number of bits |
is_mc | True if the source or destination is in the MasterChain |
The system counts only unique hash cells for storage and forward fees. For example, it counts three identical hash cells as one. This mechanism deduplicates data by storing the content of multiple equivalent sub-cells only once, even if they are referenced across different branches. Read more about deduplication.
However, if the outgoing message depends significantly on the incoming structure, you may not be able to fully predict the fee. In such cases, try using the GETORIGINALFWDFEE
opcode with the following parameters:
Param name | Description |
fwd_fee | Parsed from the incoming message |
is_mc | True if the source or destination is in the MasterChain |
Be careful with the SENDMSG
opcode, as it uses an unpredictable amount of gas. Avoid using it unless necessary.
opcode is the least optimal way to calculate fees, but it is better than not checking.
cannot be used, one more option exists. Use the SENDMSG
opcode with the following parameters:
Param name | Description |
cells | Number of cells |
mode | Message mode |
Modes influence the fee calculation in the following ways:
: This mode does not create an action but only estimates the fee. Other modes will send a message during the action phase.+128
: This mode substitutes the value of the entire contract balance before the computation phase begins. This is slightly inaccurate because gas expenses, which cannot be estimated before the computation phase, are excluded.+64
: This mode substitutes the entire balance of the incoming message as the outgoing value. This is also slightly inaccurate, as gas expenses that cannot be estimated until the computation is completed are excluded.- Refer to the message modes page for additional modes.
It creates an output action and returns the fee for creating a message. However, it uses an unpredictable amount of gas, which cannot be calculated using formulas. To measure gas usage, use GASCONSUMED
int send_message(cell msg, int mode) impure asm "SENDMSG";
int gas_consumed() asm "GASCONSUMED";
;; ... some code ...
() calculate_forward_fee(cell msg, int mode) inline {
int gas_before = gas_consumed();
int forward_fee = send_message(msg, mode);
int gas_usage = gas_consumed() - gas_before;
;; forward fee -- fee value
;; gas_usage -- the amount of gas used to send the message