Interact with multisig wallets using TypeScript
If you don't know what is multisig wallet in TON, you can check it out here
Following this steps you will learn how to:
- Create and deploy multisig wallet
- Create, sign and send transactions with that wallet
We will create a TypeScript project and use ton library, so you need to install it first. We will also use the ton-access:
yarn add typescript @types/node ton ton-crypto ton-core buffer @orbs-network/ton-access
yarn tsc --init -t es2022
The full code of this guide is available here:
Create and deploy multisig wallet
Let's create a source file, main.ts
for example. Open it in your favorite code editor and follow this guide!
At first we need to import all important stuff
import { Address, beginCell, MessageRelaxed, toNano, TonClient, WalletContractV4, MultisigWallet, MultisigOrder, MultisigOrderBuilder } from "ton";
import { KeyPair, mnemonicToPrivateKey } from 'ton-crypto';
import { getHttpEndpoint } from "@orbs-network/ton-access";
Create TonClient
const endpoint = await getHttpEndpoint();
const client = new TonClient({ endpoint });
Than we need keypairs to work with:
let keyPairs: KeyPair[] = [];
let mnemonics[] = [
['orbit', 'feature', ...], //this should be the seed phrase of 24 words
['sing', 'pattern', ...],
['piece', 'deputy', ...],
['toss', 'shadow', ...],
['guard', 'nurse', ...]
for (let i = 0; i < mnemonics.length; i++) keyPairs[i] = await mnemonicToPrivateKey(mnemonics[i]);
There are two ways to create MultisigWallet
- Import existing one from address
let addr: Address = Address.parse('EQADBXugwmn4YvWsQizHdWGgfCTN_s3qFP0Ae0pzkU-jwzoE');
let mw: MultisigWallet = await MultisigWallet.fromAddress(addr, { client });
- Create a new one
let mw: MultisigWallet = new MultisigWallet([keyPairs[0].publicKey, keyPairs[1].publicKey], 0, 0, 1, { client });