Interact with multisig wallets using TypeScript
This page is heavily outdated and will be updated soon. See the multisig-contract-v2, the most up-to-date multisignature contract on TON. Use npm and do not update.
If you don't know what is multisig wallet in TON, you can check it out here
Following these steps you will learn how to:
- Create and deploy multisig wallet
- Create, sign and send transactions with that wallet
We will create a TypeScript project and use ton library, so you need to install it first. We will also use the ton-access:
yarn add typescript @types/node ton ton-crypto ton-core buffer @orbs-network/ton-access
yarn tsc --init -t es2022
The full code of this guide is available here:
Create and deploy multisig wallet
Let's create a source file, main.ts
for example. Open it in your favorite code editor and follow this guide!
At first, we need to import all important stuff
import { Address, beginCell, MessageRelaxed, toNano, TonClient, WalletContractV4, MultisigWallet, MultisigOrder, MultisigOrderBuilder } from "ton";
import { KeyPair, mnemonicToPrivateKey } from 'ton-crypto';
import { getHttpEndpoint } from "@orbs-network/ton-access";
Create TonClient
const endpoint = await getHttpEndpoint();
const client = new TonClient({ endpoint });
Than we need keypairs to work with:
let keyPairs: KeyPair[] = [];
let mnemonics[] = [
['orbit', 'feature', ...], //this should be the seed phrase of 24 words
['sing', 'pattern', ...],
['piece', 'deputy', ...],
['toss', 'shadow', ...],
['guard', 'nurse', ...]
for (let i = 0; i < mnemonics.length; i++) keyPairs[i] = await mnemonicToPrivateKey(mnemonics[i]);
There are two ways to create MultisigWallet
- Import existing one from address
let addr: Address = Address.parse('EQADBXugwmn4YvWsQizHdWGgfCTN_s3qFP0Ae0pzkU-jwzoE');
let mw: MultisigWallet = await MultisigWallet.fromAddress(addr, { client });
- Create a new one
let mw: MultisigWallet = new MultisigWallet([keyPairs[0].publicKey, keyPairs[1].publicKey], 0, 0, 1, { client });
There are also two ways to deploy it
- Via internal message
let wallet: WalletContractV4 = WalletContractV4.create({ workchain: 0, publicKey: keyPairs[4].publicKey });
//wallet should be active and have some balance
await mw.deployInternal(wallet.sender(client.provider(wallet.address, null), keyPairs[4].secretKey), toNano('0.05'));
- Via external message
await mw.deployExternal();
Create, sign and send an order
We need an MultisigOrderBuilder
object to create a new order.
let order1: MultisigOrderBuilder = new MultisigOrderBuilder(0);
Then we can add some messages to it.
let msg: MessageRelaxed = {
body: beginCell().storeUint(0, 32).storeBuffer(Buffer.from('Hello, world!')).endCell(),
info: {
bounce: true,
bounced: false,
createdAt: 0,
createdLt: 0n,
dest: Address.parse('EQArzP5prfRJtDM5WrMNWyr9yUTAi0c9o6PfR4hkWy9UQXHx'),
forwardFee: 0n,
ihrDisabled: true,
ihrFee: 0n,
type: "internal",
value: { coins: toNano('0.01') }
order1.addMessage(msg, 3);
After you finish with adding messages, transform the MultisigOrderBuilder
to MultisigOrder
by calling build()
let order1b: MultisigOrder =;
order1b.sign(0, keyPairs[0].secretKey);
Now let's create another order, add a message to it, sign it with some other set of keys and union the signatures of these orders.
let order2: MultisigOrderBuilder = new MultisigOrderBuilder(0);
order2.addMessage(msg, 3);
let order2b =;
order2b.sign(1, keyPairs[1].secretKey);
order1b.unionSignatures(order2b); //Now order1b have also have all signatures from order2b
And finally, send the signed order:
await mw.sendOrder(order1b, keyPairs[0].secretKey);
Now build the project
yarn tsc
And run the compiled file
node main.js
If it does not throw any errors, you made everything right! Now check if your transaction succeed with any explorer or wallet.
Other methods and properties
You can easily clear messages from MultisigOrderBuilder
You also can clear signatures from MultisigOrder
And of course you can get public properties from MultisigWallet
, MultisigOrderBuilder
and MultisigOrder
-Dictionary<number, Buffer>
of signatures ownerId => signatureworkchain
- workchain where the wallet is deployedwalletId
- wallet idk
- number of signatures required to confirm a transactionaddress
- wallet addressprovider
- array ofMessageWithMode
to be added to the orderqueryId
- global time until which the order is valid
with order payloadsignatures
-Dictionary<number, Buffer>
of signatures ownerId => signature